10x10x10xTieton 2019
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
August 10th - October 6th at the Mighty Tieton Warehouse
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 10th from 12 - 4pm
The 10th annual 10x10x10xTieton juried exhibition invites artists from all over the world to create work no larger than 10 inches in any dimension, no media restrictions. The result? A wide-ranging exhibition that includes sculpture, painting, photography, book art, 3D printed objects, found objects, collage, jewelry, and everything in between.
Jurors Beth Sellars and Christina Orr-Cahall, both notable Northwest curators, reviewed 1073 total submissions through a Web-based process. Paring down to just 194 pieces for the show was not an easy process for the jurors, who “...tried to respond to the wide range of media submitted — photography, paint, mixed media, glass, ceramic, wood, metal, plastic, a variety of prints, fiber and more. The 10x10x10 format ( or working within those dimensions) was more difficult to achieve in some mediums and in certain “styles” than in others, but challenges for artists are enervating,” according to Christina. She continues: “I look forward to seeing the actual pieces and to meet the artists who created them. You bring to Tieton your vast talents and your commitment to making art a part of our lives.”
Making artwork selections with a second juror “was a study in contrasts and compromises with both of us bringing diverse aesthetic perspectives to the process,” says Beth. “A two-juror format changes the dynamic from a singular juror, but it also increases the possibilities for consideration. We are hopeful our selections have made for a rich viewing experience.”
10x10x10xTieton features artwork by 143 artists from all over, including China, Canada, Ireland, Alaska, Hawai’i, across the US, and many from right here in the Pacific Northwest. All works are printed in a handbound exhibition catalogue by Marquand Books and made in Tieton at Paper Hammer Studios. Each exhibiting artist receives a free copy and additional copies are available for purchase.
Upon reflection of the selection process as a whole, Beth states, “It is important for those artists not included in this particular exhibition to remember there will be many more opportunities to submit work for jury review under different criteria and circumstances. It is vital that the work continue to be seen. Art created in solitude must ultimately be destined to initiate a dialogue with the viewing public. The more frequently the artist attempts to initiate this dialogue, the more benefits are reaped by artist and viewer. Mighty Tieton is a miracle in itself. This exhibition is only one of many creative opportunities initiated by the founding organization. I appreciate having played a tiny part in its ongoing phenomenon.”
Visitors are encouraged to attend the opening reception at the Mighty Tieton Warehouse on Saturday, August 10 from 12 - 4pm. Both jurors will be at the Opening as will artists featured in the exhibition. Light refreshments will be available. While in Tieton, don’t forget to stop by Hometown Teams, the Smithsonian’s traveling exhibition examining the many roles that sports play in American society and BOXX Gallery’s collaboration with Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, “Images of the Shrub-Steppe” show, juried by Monica Miller, Executive Director of Gallery One Visual Arts Center.


Roberta Lavadour
Artist’s Book
Pendleton, OR

Kathleen McLaughlin
The Last Round, 2019
La Mesa, CA

Debra Callahan
Egg Tempura
Jonesboro, AR

Karen Ondracek
Hand Woven Linen
Oakland, CA

Sandra Frankel
Rochester, NY

Heath Bateman
Wood (Sycamore)
Kennewick, WA
Gary Bailey
Deborah Barten
Kenneth Baskin
Heath Bateman
Eric Bosch
Gloria Campbell
Rebecca Coffman
Lena Davidson
Nick Davis
Lauren Douglas
Lisa Dubitsky
Kurt Dyrhaug
Lori Fulsaas
Margo George
Kathryn Glowen
Richard Hamilton
Kate Hanley
Heather Hanson
Muyuan He
Lauran Jackson
John Kane
Barbara Kantz
Susan Kimmel
Richard Kohler
Judith Kohn
Kasey Koski
Anita Lehmann
HollyAnna CougarTracks Littlebull
Donald Lloyd
James Long
Jenna Lynch
Carol Mack
Cynthia Martinez
Karen Ondracek
Kristan Parks
Stephen Parsons
Oscar Ramirez
Jamie Scherzer
Brandy Scholl
Vladimir Shakov
Kathleen Shannon
Sharon Swanson
Sally Tonkin
Tania Westby
Michael Zehnder