10x10x10xTieton 2020
Virtual Opening: Saturday, August 8 from 12 | August 8 - October 11 at the Mighty Tieton Warehouse
Visitors can see the exhibition in person (groups of no more than 5 at a time, masking and social distancing required) during regular gallery hours on Fridays from 12 - 3 pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 3pm, and by appointment through October 11.
Expansive small works for these unsettled times
The eleventh annual 10x10x10xTieton opens Saturday, August 8 with tiny art from all over the world! Of course, things will be different this year. Instead of an opening reception, Tieton Arts & Humanities will have an enhanced online exhibit and will allow masked up visitors during regular gallery hours.
TA&H expected a smaller than usual turn out of entries. But, surprise! Art is healing, therapeutic, and what people all over the world, from Bali and Switzerland to right here in the PNW, need during a global pandemic.
Jurors Marina Pacini and Timothy Standring, both nationally recognized curators, reviewed 861 total submissions through a Web-based process. Paring down to just 166 pieces for the show was not an easy process for the jurors, who were both “pleased and impressed with the entrants to this year’s 10x10x10xTieton exhibition.” Their shared “apprehension that the COVID-19 pandemic would have had a negative impact on submissions were quickly allayed. Instead, it appears that quarantine and lockdown provided meaningful time to make art.” Learn more about this year's Jurors: Marina Pacini here and Timothy J. Standring here.
Reflecting upon the selection process as a whole, Pacini and Standiring state that “It is fortunate for viewers of the 2020 10x10x10xTieton that these works represent a telling cross section of the thoughts and feelings of artists grappling with today’s world….Their collective responses prompt us to continue the dialogue within ourselves and with each other, as we ponder how these diminutive works objects unlock prodigious musings—both pleasurable and disturbing—about our existence in these unsettled times.”
10x10x10xTieton features artwork by 136 artists from all over, including Bali, Canada, Switzerland, Alaska, Hawai’i, across the US, and many from right here in the Pacific Northwest. All works are printed in a handbound exhibition catalogue by Marquand Books and made in Tieton at Paper Hammer Studios. Each exhibiting artist receives a free copy and additional copies are available for purchase.
Viewers are invited to attend the virtual opening reception on Saturday, August 8. Juror’s awards will be announced then, and there will be a walkthrough of the exhibition. Visitors can see the exhibition in person (groups of no more than 5 at a time, masking and social distancing required) during regular gallery hours on Fridays from 12 - 3 pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 3pm, and by appointment through October 11. The full gallery will also be posted online for viewing and purchasing art beginning August 8.
virtual opening reception
Aurora Peña Torres
Craft/Illustration, Wooden Objects, Metal, Eggshells
Yakima, WA
Kristen Adamczyk
Melis Agabigum*
Shazia Ahmad
Elina Akselrud
Jim Allen
Jane Alynn
Audrey Aronson
Marc Aronson
Charlene Asato*
Gary Bailey
Annemarie Baldauf
Marsha Balian
Suzanne Barber
T. Barny
Kenneth Baskin
KJ Bateman
Heath Bateman
Cynthia Belecz*
Allan Bell
Susan Bennerstrom
Laura Bentley
Susie Biehl
Olivia Botros
Joan Bowers
Joel Brown
Jon Bryson
Annie Campbell*
David Carrothers
Warren Casey
Joan CawleyCrane
Sarah Cecil*
Andrew Chalfen
Kyoosang Choi
Douglas Collins
Rachel Andrea Davis*
Cathy Dempsey
Sue DeWulf*
Lee Anne Dollison
Lauren Douglas
Andrea DuFlon
Deborah Dyer
Anne Dziok
Keith Ekstam
Dena Elzie
Tiffani Erdmanczyk
Deborah Espinosa
Linda Ethier
Vincent Ferri
Amalia Fisch
Dean Forbes
Cathleen Francisco*
Kathy Fridstein
Laurie Geissinger
Jeffrey Gelick
SE Gilchrist
Lucy Julia Hale
Joan Hammond
P. Hanson
Thomas Harris
Rebecca Harvey
Dave Higgins
Ron Hinton
Perri Howard
Judy Chia Hui Hsu
Judy Hurcomb
il il
Yukio Iraha
Laurel Izard
Rickie Jacobs
Iahib Jaddo
Lezlie Jane
Jeanette Jones
John Kane
Marina Kassianidou
Sally Kim-Miller
Maureen Kirwen Huffman
Pamela Klebaum
Richard Kohler
Kerry Lehmann
Lynn Weiler Liverton
Donald Lloyd
Nancy Loorem Adams
Lenora Lopez Schindler
Melissa Lovingood
Amy Lunstrum
Emily Manko
Cynthia Martinez
Gail Martinez
Chris Maynard
Leighton McWilliams
David Mendoza
Christine Meuris
Pat & Karen Miller
Makayla Miracle
R.D. Mitchell
Johana Moscoso
Bob Mosier
Lisa Nappa
Trude Parkinson
Candace Pratt
Corey Pressman*
Damian Puggelli
Kathleen Rabel*
Leigh Radford
Matthew Ragen
Amy Redmond
Claire Renaut*
Erin Rice
LeBrie Rich
Mary Richardson
Joan Stuart Ross
Virginia Rougon Chavis
Mary Rowland
Joseph Roys
R. Leon Russell
Erin Schulz
David Sear
Patricia Shaw
Mimi Sheiner
Barbara Simcoe
Anna Skibska
Gail Smuda
Tamara Stephas
Patrice Sullivan
KCJ Szwedzinski
Diane Tchakirides
Aurora Peña Torres
Rhonda Urdang
Lucy Mae VanZanden
Laura Viola Preciado
Jennifer Viviano
Merrily Warren
Brian Weaver
Lars Westby
Susan ("Suze") Woolf
Jennifer Younger
* Jurors Award